1 m M h& t PRIJZEN DER EFFECTEN TE AMSTERDAM, *>p 23 December 1903; (VolgtD* da ofdalaala lQat). A 'TEUK3KECHT VERZEKERD. Star.teleeningen. Koersen, Ba**' tere 1000 1000 Nadarl.O. W. Soh?S a.to Oti. dito 1096,'Ofi 8 dito Oert. Werk.*ohuld 8 92% Bmlgift. Obilgstlén 3 94V dito dito 2', 86 - Bo«n!»enH.0bl.4% -BH .0 BalgaHJo. Hyp. Sti. 6 87 •oud Lev. 600 Tabsk'sleen. 1902 Obll*. 8 - 0 Danam. Ofci.einn.3U 0 dito dito Buttenl. 0 Daltaahl. KI. -PO-'01 S ■6-10000 dito R|ul. 1881 *'01 8 WC-1000 P-uts.Co«.lar..* 0. S: j woo-'ooc dito dito dito 3S WO-MOT a Ito Staatslvrn. 1890-01 8 •00-5000 •00-6000 •00-6000 800-1000 20-500 LrlOO-iOOOOC 500 20O-KW0 1000 «0-100 1000 10CC woo MOO 2000 dito dito ton.-del) 4 Fl. 200-1000 OfcHjt. In Ooud 1876-93 4 Lsmb.-Oxern.JiiMy 8. 0.4 Lek. Spw.-Mty. Prior, 0b. S Polen. 0.Sohatk. '44 4 Port Obl. 1. Serie 3 dito 2. Ssrls dito 3. Serie Renteloore Oertlflcaten 500-1000 dito Ito 1903 5 «600-5000 dito dito dl 0 1008 8 600-1000 «600-5000 Ooud'. dito Amort dito 1800 4 1990 4 600-1000 dito dito 1881 4 2500-6000 dito dito 1891 4 500-1000 dito dito 18S4 4 8600-5000 dito dito 1804 4 800-1000 dito dito 1899 SSOO-6OOO dito dito 1800 4 500-1000 dito dito 1896 4 «500-5003 dito dito 1898 4 800 Rus! 0 A. H Mtb.1820 5 720 Obllg Lond n 1822 5 600 rcertif. nschr. 6. Serie 6 100 Oei. Moskow-Jn/otlo* 6 126 Obllg. wang. Domb. 4% 825 dito dito dito 4% 126 HA. I St.Baden leen.190O 0. 8% •00 8oh.br. 8% St.Bremen 'S Jdïto 190? 1 StsatHsmburg 1800 Obl. 4 Finland. 8tt. 18808% FrankBew. v.lnech.S Hong.Oal.Qdl. '81-03 4 dito Leenlnf II dito dito 11 dito dito 11 dito '8S7 1% vrfe Boud-Obl. 3 Italid. Inechr. '92-81 5 Oblg. Leenlnf 1B90 6 Oert. Adm. Lam.dBouw, 6 dito Tut Nolth.AOeH. 6 Noorw.Obl.Leen.'38.3 Oost. O. Pep. F.-Aug. a dito filter April-Oe'. 6 Kroneer. N.-Sept. 4 Rnin.Ooudt.A BR. Rb, 100-1000 dito Binnen!. 100-1000 Oertifloeten blnnenl. ■H Oblie. Seooni. dito dito dito b| Rothe. II dito dito tl d'to dito Se «orto t»i dito dito dito b| HopeAOc. dito dito 1881 dito Rothe. 8. uit*. 1880 dito dito 1890 dito dito 4. ultf. 1880 dito dito dito 11 dito «o Emltele 11 ■f dito 1! e Enittle 11 ïoos 85% 97 He ICOS l'Ori S3'. 1121 j S3-, 69 00* 7.10 87%, 82% 83% 84% 34% 119% 111% 104S 98% B MH m 96 MM 90S dito dito d»to Dorptx 8pe>. 11 dito Rio. Spew. 1887-C0 4 dito dito 1867-00 4 dito Br. Rute. 8p*. 1891 4 dito dito dito 1888 dito dito dito 1890' dito dito dito 1893' dito dito dito 1880' dito dito dito 13303 dito Kursk Oherk. Azo* 4 dito dito dito dito dito dltc dito dito dito Moskow-Jsr, Arahang. 0. BQ0-100C «OBkOr-Suiik Obllg. r 1000 Mo»ko«-8mol. 1896 dito RM. 600 Orel-Qrleil 8pw.-M. O. 4 0 dito dito dito Oh!. Orel Vitebsk 18» dito dito dito 12S-126L dito Tambow-Sar. 8pw. 4 Kt. - dito 18S HHH fllo dito Zu'd-Weet 8pw. 4 dito dito dito 4 Rb. 160-1800 dltoWed.Qrondor. 'OBiPJn dito Qoudleen. 1804 8% i ,W4 dito dito 1859 8 dito dito 185) dito dito 1W d'to dito 189 dito d'to 18» 6 a to Je uitgifte 11 dito Boudlacnfng 1! dito dito 11 Intohr. In B»nk-Ast!gn. e Oert. r. Ineohr. in dltob i Ohllg. In Boud 1S84 dito 1884 vIC. Oblig.L. 18 8p*nja Perp.Soh.'81 4 oito dito 1881 •OQ-'.MijJ 9'm. Ferp. Sthuld 1W2 800-2500 Turk.Oep.Oon».Leen. 100-7600 Obti«tl«n 1IW2 4 800-2500 Qeoor.». Boud). 800 Leen. m.Speo. Oer. O.'94 4 - 0-2500 StkHteleenlng Obl. 1903 4 20-1000 Gwconv. Leening 8«rle 0 20-1000 dito dito dito 0 800-2600 Qeunlf. Schuld Reoep. 4 100-1000 Zwod. Obl.Stel. 1800 4 I. MO-MOO Ohiig. Steetst. IMIH 98% 94 .•i5% 95% S'. 7 9* 79% 91 *3 R MN nis 146% 90% 22S Sr ■«9 AFRIKA. to-ioo iKgypt».Ob.Lesn.'78 41104% W-100 laito Pref. Leen. 1890 8% 100 |Z.-Afr. R. Obl. 1802 6| AZIS. «0-2600 China. Ok.lnBoudD84 28-100 dito Obl. Ooudl. 1883 4% 500-r.ClC dito dito 1893 100 d'to Goudleer». 100* 99% 100H 101* 100% 111% 103% 9b% 79* 94% 92% 95% t>2% 91% 94'. 503% 108% 97% w 79 4apan.0b.Lean. 1W0 4 NOOR D-A M B R I K A. ■fax. Obllg. Blnn. 8oh.3 lllgatlin tobel.vrf 24% W* 43% v 101» dito dito O Staat Vare OruxB.8.1002 5 MIDD— an ZUIO-ANF.RIK A, W-100 Ah, Rap. L1808-87 g too dito Bu t.L. Obl. 11 dito dito dito Obl. Landen .•8,6-112-10 dito dito in Ooud 18704% dito Obllg. 1888 4' n— dito 1880 It.Reio. 8de. Ob dito dito funding Leening IBM dito dito 18A8 eet Minae Oereee Ob. Meet Fe/a Ooud 9bl g. 180-liX* ChlJ-l. Obllg. 1896 5 0 Ooluo»b.6ult.3oh. 1 Ellto dito Obl. 1% Dom. R. 4W,2»/«Wh. Eoued. Obl. 1892 4)-, jayeq.éQuitoJp N.Ofc. f. Uruguay. Obl. 1895 dito Obl. t«02 Venei. Obi. 1881 I Ifdlto dito 1881 Prow, on Gemeenteleerlingen. Nader laad. mat. Obllg. 1900- d>to Obllg. 1W1 dito dito 1886-00 dito dito 1897 dito dito 1800 dito dito dito dito 1898 dito dito 1888 d'to dito 1806 6-1000 dito dito 7»V 78% 90% 91 91% 91 82 n z - 22'. 76% 70% 75% 50*v( 102 102% 86% •5% 85l. •0* ■O*1 91* - lï»ie 19% 19% 19* 18%. 5 - 81% GO 5-4% 29% 29% 29% Arnh.i8er.o.i900'0?. BorqOZ. 0-1BI3 Brede. Obl. 1B88 3 1000 IDalX». Obl. l<Ki# •00 1000 Davontar. OM.1894 8 1*00 Dordr OMi|. 18M 100 1000 KnaataadA. 0 'W 102 101'. W7% 97% 97 97% Hm 97% 97J« 58% •JU 15 208% z z z 95% 96% 95 z 91 1000 1000 1COO IHM-1000 •00-1000 600 •OO-IMO 1000 600-1000 1000 1000 500-1000 600-1000 500-1000 'aOrav.Obiig.iB8 dito dito 1883 dito dito 1809-0 dito dltc 1894 dito dito 1807 Gron. Pr. L. '88-88 S% - Z%Z Leen. 0.1900 4 dito dito 18?8 en 19028% dito dito 1895 Haarl. Obllg. 1901 dito dito 1802 3', Leeuw. Obllg. 1896 3 Cnlden.Obllg. 1896 Llmb. Pro/.L. 1887 SL Maastr. Obl. L.16S6 OvarlJa.P'0».l.'90SL Rotterd. Obiig. 1600 dito dito 1801 dito dito 1H98-1933SL dlto dito 1894-1896 dito dito 1804-1807 Utrecht.Q.l. 86-97 8% 95 - M z z 102* z z 90% 102% 97;. z 102% Z 97% - - 85% 95% .Induwt, en Financ. ondernem. Naderl. en Kol. i. Bank- eo Cred. tnataü- t'g. Oone.-Bk. 142. eeo. A. Alg.0red.-B.Ber.A8ch.4S Amtterdemtohe Bank Ad. Amit.Liquid.Ke» 1-4000 A 3ult.Bankv.8er.A-U.Aand. 1000 Oentr.Werkg.Rle.B.Ob.4% 0-1000 Oredlet-Ve-oeniglngAand, 500-1000 0leconto-en Effeotenb. Oieoonto-MU- te Rott. Ad. im.-0red.(M|.v.)0b. 3% dito dito dltc 3 88% Hollend Btnk Aanc. 75 •00-1000 Holl.Veoreehotb.S.br.4% 100%' 500-1000 500-1000 1000 100 500-1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 5W-100C MO-1000 500-1000 JOO-IOOC 500-1000 £00-1000 SOO-1000 500-1000 1000 1000 60Ó-10OD 500-11" 50U-l0vAi IQS-KM 1000 600-1000 800-100C 500-1000 •00-1000 •00-1000 500-1000 i-llXO Piiitanft-Qron.HyD.Bk. P. 50C-10CC •00-1ooc 50Ü-100L 600-1OOC 600-100C 500-1000 ,500-1 OOC 500-1 OOC' ÖOO-IOOi 500-100C 6M-100C 1000 1000 1000 dltc dito Pbr. 8% Otnersle Hyp. Bk. Pbr. earevenh.Hyp.-Bk.Pb.4S dito dito d'to dito dito dito 8S aronlngsoho Hyp.b. Pbr. 4 Henrleme,Hyp.-Bank Pb.4 dito dito dito 3% Holl.-deld.Hyp.-BenkPb.4 Hol!. Hyp.-Benk Pbr. 4% dito dito dito -* dito allo mot Premie S:v dito dito ronder dito 2% rtcü. Scheepev.RlJ. P* 4% Hva.-Benk r.Neder!. Pbr. 4 'dito dito dito 3% Interoomm.Hyp.b. Pbr.4% dito dito 8erle A Pbr. Konromer Hyp.b. fbr. 4% dito dito dito "4a»«-Hypothee*b. Pbr. üasdtr. Hyp.bank Pbr. 4% dito dito dito 4 .iito dito dito 8% *g.Hyp.Ored.'nHod.Pbr.4 aito dito met divid. 3% dito dito xond. divid. SS, Hat. Hyp.-8*nk Pendb. t I idito dito dito 8% 1... dito Ked.Arn.Hyp.8k.Uith.PD. t dito dito dito 4% Hod.-Amerlk.Und M|. Ad. dito d.to dito Hod. Hyp. Pdb. Veondam .ito dito dito 8% Med.6oheopi-Hyp.Pb. Hed.-Z.-Afr.Hyp.-8. Pb', f dito dito dito 4% N!auwoNed.Hyp.8.Pb,4% dito dito dito 4 Hleuee Hott. Hyo. B.Pb. 4 Hoordel.Hjp.Be.nk.Pdb'. dito dito dito S'- _..Holl. flrondored. Pbr. BOI-IOOC dito dito dito 3:-, MOOO Hocrd.Aed.Hyp.-Bk.Pb. '•1 H,-v/«et.4P.io.Hyp.-B.Ad, dito dito Pendb. {mot Ad. 60 en'1001 3% dito dito Sohuldbr. •00-1000 aoo-iooo 300-1000 800 too: SCu-tOOt 6W-100C •00-1ooc MO-100C 1000 500-1OOC 500-10X 500-1003 500-100.' 500-1000 WW-1COÖ *00-1000 1000 MO-IOÜ: 500-10»: MW- lOOC- JOO-IOOI' '000 1000 1000 600-1000 500- lOüii 600-1000 500*1000 176-85 600-1000 3nd.Hvp.-d.met ultk.Pb. 260-1000 - -*■— 01 600- 'COC M1-1IK» COC-11X0 •00-1000 •oo-iott, eoo-tooc •00-1000 500-1000 5O0 1000 ïM 2*0 i 160 1000 IOUO 1T5-KH ir>j 1000 1000 1000 1000 inoaeea-Ban» Induetrlo-Bank Aard, Kae-Voreonlglng Aend. Nation, Oredletb. Obllg. Net.Vooreohot BankOb. 4 Nederlandtche Bank Ad. Hed. Bank voor Z.-Af. Ad- H Cr.-enVoors.b. 8. 4% Ned.Brootb.Bk.Ct.N.8.2' dito dito dito N.-I.Adm.X.dHulpb. P. 4! «nd HIJ.v Zek.v.Ambt.Ob dito dito Obl. 8% N«d.Vooreohotb.8. br. 4% dito m.wlnet('eHage)Ob. 4 N.-Holl.Lendb.Ored.Aand. 'Jntvnng- en Beteelkee Ad. Prsvlnclale Bsnk Aend. (IH»idaM>olnB>nWn0 Bk.v/hBeerv.4H.A. TwenticheBnnkver. Aand.' dito Alim. Hub. o.a. Oe-t. Hjrpotheekb. i'.g.Frloe.Hyp.-BenkPbr.k gem. Hyp Bank Par.db. 4 Alg.Hyp.B. (m.ultk.) P. 3% dito (xondar ultk.)Pbr.8% Ametel Hyp.-B.Pandb. 4% Amet.Hyp.BankPtnbr. 4% dito dito dito 4 dito dito dito 3% Anut, Sohaepev. B. P. 4% Arnh. Hypotn. Pendbr. 4% - dito dito 4 dito dito 8% 8at*nfeoheHyp.-Bk. Pb. 4 dito dito dito 3% Ooi.tr. Hyp.-Bsnk Pbr. 4% dito dito dito Oardroohtf.Hyp.-Bk.Pbr. Ned. Hyp. Brlofb. eNed.3ohecpev.M8.P.4!- d'to dito dito 8'| Ovenjee. Hyp. 3kr.* Pb. Petrorta tljrp.-MQ- Pb. 4'. 101» Prov.ltyp.Ger tPiPidbr.4% HOC -1JOC- dito dito eerie A8. Pb. 4'. 10(1-IOUO dito d'to Sena A dito 4 üoe!d.Hyp.v.hod.H.br.4% 1019< •00-1800 dito dito dito 4 99' 800-1000 Rüttard Hyp.-Benk Pb.4% 1(»2 r.W-lOW dl,a dito dito itil 6(W-1000 dito dito dito 3% 97?< 600-iw» dite dito d'to - »0.'-ii>X jun«a*rdMvp.-3k.Pb.4% 101% dit» d'to olto 4 200 Stede!.Hypb.'eflrrr. P. 4% 101 dito dito dito 4 >4 •W-1000 a,|c„U0heHyp.-B».Pb.4". 100% 1U00 TllburgecnïHvp.-'lk.Phr.i ,n~- dito dito dito 8- Utrnchteobe Hyp.-Onnk Pandbrieven 4% dttv dito dito dito .-B-P. 4 WeeVendeone IM< dito C"tO Winiohoter Hyp.-Ö. Pbr. Zeeuw «OheHyp.-Bk. Pbr. Zuidcr Hyp.8er.AA-E6. P. Zuld-Ho'l.Hyp.-Bk.l'b. 4% dito dito dits 1 dito dito (Uto 4% S. Kol.Crrvu. i»*V onCilt-Ondere. Sorn.-bum.lir201.7MAe. 'Owltuur-HIJ. Vo'eteni. Ao dito dito Pref. Aend. iJendelav..Ameteidem" A dito dito Obllg. 100'. t (o tIHoObi.i6ü1-98 4% clto (MO dito 1800 dito dito dito int.Ored.-H«ndeliv.Ho'.t.A Zldito dito Obllg. 4% ie Bank «and. dito d'to Oort. Ad Koloniale Bon* dito dito Prof. oito «ito duo Oh' Likw.Bemed Hoor< 192 108% 100 78% 101 96*1 18* 118 I 93 142 99% 92% 100 !)i 3 id) 99 92 999{ 101% 100 9W«' l.D% 100 iöï% 99% 100% 101 09% 79-, •ft ,01% :0i% too.-. 139%, iU-ilh IW.% 93 99-;, 94 80 100% 101 JWVg 100 j» s .00 1U2 140% 114 102 101% 98% »9% 89 101 33% 100 100% 100% «Ho Oert. v. Aand. RR dito Ke»ooitt. Ad. c Red.-lnd.E»oomcto-*b. A Ned-lnd. Hanosleh. Aand. cito dllu Obl. 4 rr;, Hed.-lnd. Lend".-H 2.0 5 102 8ertn*d«»c"a 8«»* - javaaohaBuvc'Mp 73 ano dito d!io Otüg. *ar»aeka Ouitwi>r-H|. Ad. 70% dito d'to Oblig. k da«a'* Ooath. Ouit.-dl. Oert. voor 6 Oblig. Kaübagor Mg. Sulkerf. A. 83% KarengSoew.U.B H.O.t Meron Oultuur-Mg. Aand. 55 Nieuw Guinea Hand.Mi|. A. sj gentenen Lor8ulkerond.A. j'4 dito dito dito Ob!. e •i.ndang' M t.E».3u;«o' f.A. 155 Wat»et.Pcp.0uit.M»0b.6 W.-Jk-rt Kina Cult.-Mf. A. 4.Tabak»ondern. Ane». Ikell-öompagn. Ad. 530 dito dito Oert. 520 Amkt.8umetra0ult.-Mli. A. 13% ArondeburgTabak-M||. Ad. dito dito Oert. 489% Aaaken Plantage-Mi. Ad. J9 Aea»anTabak»bouwM|.A jo Betoekl fabea-MI. "na. 39 «IC -1000, Del i-Batavia Mae ti. Aand. 280 100 dito dito Cert. 878 1000 Dall-Ou Huur-Maat» Ad 41% 100 Dell-U«4«-Tab.M. O.v.A. 17ft _,39%' '4i*'l4Ï% IS8"*- i6% 71 Bedrog. f 1000 ICO 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 100c toco 1000 1000 Wö '000 1000 1000 1000 500 1000 1000 100 100-1000 1000 1000 1000 lono f. 10-100 r 1000 5000 1000 1COO 600-1000 IOOO 1000 500 1000 260-1000 'OOJ 1000 1000 260 1000 IOOO 1000 1CO0 1000 1000 1000 1000 •0(1-1000 1000 1906 f '•00 1000 1000 1000 SM-500 1000 1000 1000 1000 500-1 OOC' 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600 1000 1000 600 1000 800-1000 500-1000 1000 1000 500 280 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1090 i 100 «00 s 500 1000 1000 1090 1000 1000 600 ÖOO 260-10% 1000 100 250-1OCC 1000 120-1200 500 1000 1000 r 600 500 't 60-100 SC-100 100 100 1 50-103 f 500 t 10UO 600 100-1000 250-1000 260-10CC 1000 2Ö0-1000 1COO 1000 1000 260 1000 8(1 1CO 250-'000 ;ooo 600-1900'C 1000 260-1000 '00 260-1000 250 1000 t. 5.80-100 r eco.1200 f IOOO 600-1000 600-1000 1003 1000 10O0 y 1000 1 1000 tooo 1000 1008 2S0 J 1000 1000 600 1000 1000 1000 <j l •00-"»: 1000 d dito aai Pad«ng-M|. Aan II Pltntage-MJ. Aan Tabak-Maate. Aan Frknco-DellTabak-Mg. A Kwala Pekkl.TabakMQ.A mgkatOulluur-MIJ. Ad. dito dito Aund. »«a*n laose-wq. «enu Namoe DJawl A. Pref. Ad. henTab«kM(J.A. ttuur-MIJ. Pr. A. dito 8. Ad ibak M|J. Aand nottera. ucll- MIJ. Aand 8antaRoka(Me>.)0ult.M.A l.lrn.rf. T.hnlf.UII Pr AH UIIU CIIO vc 3erdnng Tabak-M(. A. A dito dito B. J ourn«ii« rionic^o «»ii United Lankat Plant.O.v. 6. Fabrieken. Onlvé.Fr.-Holl.Ollef. Ob. u Ocnti.QuanoFabr. Oh. 4% Eleotra, M|].v.Eleo.Stat. A dito dito 0»l. on.Ned.Seg.Blerbr. Ob. KOn.Ned.Qrofamederg Ai K.N.Hoeden,Pett.APolt. ui vu dito Obllg. Mod.-lnd.Qa8-Msnt». Oh, »Phoenl> HOutxaagm. Kon.Tabak-dSigarenf.v. H. Rlbbiut Pkletler *r. A Schelde (Kon. M|J. de) A dito dito 1900 Obl. 4„ -Slmple>;"Mnohlnefab.0.6 Yeenend.St-BpIn.H. O. 4% - We*ter8ulkorr»ffln. Aand IB" dito dito Obllg. 4L Z.-Holl.Blerbr, 1eHyp. 0.1 O. 0ehoopv,-Sgy- Holl.-flu!f8t.-M|.1.aer.Ad dito dito Hyp. Obl. 4% Hollands.Stoomb.-Mg. Ad. ■vva-0hlna-*apkn1.89r.» dito dito Oblig. Kon. Ned.8toomb.-M0, Ad dito dito Oblig. Kon.PaketvsRrt-MIJ. Aar.d dito dito Obllg. dito dito ultg. 1903 Ob. Kon, Wevt.-lnd. Mtild.Ad dito d'to Obllg. dito dito 1B00 dito LeonoraStoomv.M.t.H.O.i MOIierAOo.Alg.Scheepv.A «Ito dito 1S99 Obllg. 4', dito ,1110 1001'Obllg. 4L Ned.-Amer. 8töomv.-M. A olto dito 1901 Ob. -i Nederlandsche Lloyd Ad. Kotterdamkchc Lloyd Ad dito dito aiOOmV.-Mpg.A..,».'». Stoomv.-My. »Neder!."Ad. dito dito Obllg. dito fOektxaa" Aand dito dito Obllg. 4% dito rZeetand" Aand dltc dito Pref. dl" dito dito Obllg. ..-Ktw -Uil -RnlhtilA" dito dito T. Potr—-OaddFii JlrsucrPctfol.-Mg. Aand -Oaboca" dito dito Anna tiailole dito dito Aand (foil.-Rum.dito dito Aand. Rum. dito dito Aand, u-ruw .Moekl lllr' r-elr.-mq. «u 600 Nodeilandsohe dito Aand. irWV o- HlVrt AanH iriiift ro,'.-™,, dito dito Ad, B Rusalan Petr.4Llq.Fuel Qomp.Oert. van Aand nair* rs'omu.r^v. ^u, MIJnwtN«l»4kh. ,Drokop."QuyanaQ.PI.Ad, Llmo.atconv.niijn. i.njg.i Lobmm Asphalt MIJ. Aand MlndrlnetlQoudEx.Mpg.A i'.HO rut1^ rrB' u'lw, 09 Pr,g.ioat Expl. Syndic. Ad.J 22 - -RedJ.Lebong"Mqnb.M. A. 2;3% 280 ftln-lrn Tln-MsatkOh. Ad.,110 t M' Po*t.Vat.Erkt.3parc.V.P. romek-BkgaThalWaa.O. dito dito dito dito dito dito 430 Kr.|500-10000'o 433 Fl. 100-6000 H 100-6000 21 22 Kr. 600-6000 1 H. 100-1000.L "4% Kr. 10000 30 «00-2000 64% Fl. 600-1000 195e Kr. 200-10000 18 1000-10000, 4o 45 200-10000 200 150 150 2000 10000 82% 75 200-10000 688*/.-1 OOG 92% z Kr. 1400 170 Fl. 100-1000 13 14 Kr. 200-2000 25 QR. 250-2600 3-1(1'. 330 Rb. 100 sso 100-1000 114% 5000 37% 37% 87% Fr. 600 46 600-1000 173% wmm 39% 500-1000 193 —m —4 1W-1200 101 1000 IOC 60-600 70 100 «- 100 98% S 500 121% 1000 1000 6Ï 1000 1000 160 159 1 GO 500-1000 108% 600-1000 38% 600-1000 1000 165% 1000 75 1000 20-100 14S f 1000 60-100 80-1000 60-1000 r W-100 z z z 100 168 168 f 1000 103% e. 18.100 101% z z V 1000 87% 1000 •48% 10UC 132 1000 156 155 1000 101% 1000 102 1000 97 1000 1000 100c '000 9S 250 99 99% 260 500-100/ as 1000 101% '000 1000 857iJ 1000 r 1000 r 1000 138% 138% f 1000 104% m» 260 50% z 1000 z - - 260 100 87 260-1GOö 1000 V 1000 37% 85 1000 27% 26% 31 31 1000 48 1003 83% 1033 116 1000 100Q 101 n 100a 55 68 1000 14% 19 21 100 4 1H J«* 100C l}% 20-100 91% 93 f 260 43 48 260-1000 mt 481 485% i 10G 4a6 485%' 2150-1000 93% 92). 63% 93% 1000 97 1000 46 ■15 1000 :$i 60-100 10 100 210 141 141 z Fl. 200 Lr. 500-2600 01 60% 600-2600 117 300-1600 135 142 Fr. 600 e 600-2600 78 76% 77% 600-6000 92 88 L'. 500 -r. 800 109 1"6 Lr. 600-6000 öa?4' 59 600-6000 3% Fl. 100-1000 Fr. 600-1000 2 600 11 600 14* F' 200 39% 39% 200 *9% 29% 29% 29 Rb. 100 80 29% CR. 126 103 026 1260 2 126-1260 RM. 600-5000 35 96 600-2000 64 8% 81 Rb. 100-600 W-100 36% S8%' RM. 400-2000 9% 600-2900 6 600-1000 12% 2000 dito dito Oart. Pref. Ad. Mniwell L.Q.PrlcrLlenOt. P90. Ooakt Oo. Oert. v. Pao. OoattElev.1 .Hyp. 0. 99% z 98% 98 101% 10! 103'i z 106 100 98% - 99% 93* z z 102% 115 4 100% 100% 98% 98% z 95 - 19* 19% 80* 36% 70 69 70 39% 4% 6% 7% 16% 6 64% 10%s 9%' 10 u0% - - 0 z 11% 11% 11% 65 63% 6 91% J 88* 84% 18 18 18% 10X 6 82 160 - - «KQOJ.I-OBOrq menu..-j ïlngkca Tln-Maatkoh. Ad..U4 Soemaiata Mi.lnb. MQ. Ad. 34 TJenako8tcenüolen-M«.A. Trun»v.Lindo».4Miiiim. A. dito dito Cert. Pr. Aand. 9. Dlvereen. 1000 Ï50-OCC «I 1000 1C00 1000 1800 •00-10»? 600-1000 •00-1000 1000 1000 103-1000 500 250 260 500 too^loc ii 1000 Rnriinar nan* 600-10OT Anriln. Hund.-Qeeelik. Ad. *000 ooivv»--». dito Obl. 8' dito dito 8% karsT.-v«uiu»rg B. M. Ad. .Oroannoedknveo-r,-' Afl. ,db.48tondcr.Mg. 4% joo i.Waterleld.-Mg.Aand. :handetA'bertk40o.A. x.42uurkt.C.M.t.E.0.6 101 dito dito Obl. 4 100% mv.Meerd.M.t.E.0.4% ll)l-%| 3 dito Obl. 1899 4% i02 H.Vn 1ÜPfl 4' dito d"0Jr^^c «UturaArtlkM»g!*tr»!'b. E Hederl. Panoptleum Aai»d. ;ig Hed«rlBnO*che Veem Ad 5a olto dito Obllg. 4% ,j2% rtito dito 1e Hyp. Obl. 10?i HleuweAfr.Hand.-YkPi'. - Orar.Je-Nkïiau Vaam Ao Palqlk voor Volkavigt Ad. Pool»ohKoffleb.Mg.t.S*.A a5mm.KoOlx.4Zktofw.O. Rotterd.Drocgdok-Mg. Ad. Rott.-Weit N.V.1.H.O. 41 pkkl. vh. F. R^kdlk tot E«P'. d. Ad»d. ynv.-40omm.Mg.v. 0.4% UtreohtkOheWatarl.M.0. 4 Yr,r.Am.Fondk.K.18er.Ot.4 dito dito 2a Sor. 1790 4 loai- Vvr.Bex.Hyp ap.Ob.W.l! 6 ;14. Yritskeveem Aand, WilerUnNed.M.t.Esp. Ad, dito dito Obllg. VYi'holm'na Veem "'d 3altenland ■•lglë. Banque Au». «e'a8our»e Brusae'. Ad. 9anq.lnt.d«Bru*.8er»[l. foiiip.lnt.VYng.1ltn Qo»A. 13(1 dito dito Pref. Aand. dito dito Obllg. 3% dito dito t-126.000 Oh. 4 cfi -llatf.enKol.v/h.Zlegle'A. 100 600 n::o d'to ObL 4% 951% 200-T-V*: tkMii.wni-Kop.Prlv.-8-A 11&% 10»? Ooltadbl. Sank van Handel en Induktrlf Ad Rrrilher Bank Aand run. nrno.-",,»"»' jltkcho Ryksbank Aand. 154 ,1110 dito Oert. Adm. Am»t. IV» iUel.0od,Qr.-A.Ye8.Pb.' 200-2000 Mlllel.BOO.ur.-s.veo.ri».- u 1 KQ-6CQ0 Prv.uJe.Bod.0rtd Aat.B*.4 100% 100 Rngal. d. Be-gh'» Marg. Ltd. Ct. Pr. Ad. A. 94 1808 Mwng.8odan0r.lna.P ICO H8-10C06 dito dito dlta 3,100 N8-10M0 dito dito dito 3% 80 WO 7000 Oentr.H.8 Ong.Sparc.4%'ll*% NO WOO dlta «IM to Ivia tor.lj 88% 116% 102% 90 92% 60% dito dito Obllg. 8% dito Obllg. 4 dito dito 8',i' dito dito Kan.Ned.Lokaal8poorw.A. M ij, t.Exp.v. Staat»» p w. Ad. dito dito 1870 Obll*. 6 dito dito Obl. 1600-1902 4 dito dito dito 1002-1903 4 dito dito dito 1887 3% dito dito (llto 1090-98 3% dito 3,445.8er.0b.'983" dito clto 1802-96 Obl. Med.BuurtapoorwegObl. 4 Kcderl.0entr.8pw.-Mg. Ad, 1001-03 Obilg.* D'to dito 1889 dito dito 1894 dito dito Olto 1894 dito dito dito bew. v.ultg.Boh. Ned.-Ind.SpoorvregMU.Ad. dito dito Oert. dito dito 2e8er. Aand. 4% dito dito Oert. v. dito 4J) u.to dito 18S1 Obl g, dito dito 1830 dito dito dito 1890 dito dito dito 1894 dito dito dito 1897 dito dito dito 1896 dito N.-Brabr.Boxtcl-WexelAd. tdlto dito Obllg. 4) fdlto dito gest.1876-80 dito dito 2e Hypotfi, N.-FrlekkoheLocaalap.Ad, dito dito 1902 Obllg. 4 Z.-Hol.Eleotr.8p.My.0.4% Snfl. Ür. N. Ploo. 0.A.4 The Underground Eleotr. K. 0. Reo. 6 ïfoUflftJ'.War.-Qol.P.A. itallë.Spw. '87-89 A-E 3 3ort.v. Obllg. 3 noa Bp. O.v.O. 6 dito dito Obllg. 8 dito dito 0o Em. 0.3 dito dito 10eEm,0.8 3.K.(i3ei-a-B.)tgepr.0.8 dito dito Obl. Lodxer i-aor.Sp. B.v.P. 0. MOSkOU-Kak.wnSpvr. dito 4 Moixou KlewWor.PrlorO.' dito dito Reoep. 1903 Koakou-Windau-Kyb.Ob dito dito Prior Obl. 1808 4 97,'.. dito dito dito 1809 4 99% dito dl'.o dito 1899 4 98%' dito dlta Reoep 1908 4 RjswanUraiak 8p.C.v.A.4% 100% dito dito Obllg. 4 f>4.% dito dito 4 93, dito Obl. 1887 dito dito 1898 dito dito Rooop. 1903 4 RM.6O0-2GÖO Ryblnak8p.-M.bel.v.Pr.0.4 97V. Wlodlkawka» Sp.-MU. Ob.4 93%. dito dito dito 4 Oó^ia dito dito Ob. 1894 4 91 'j dito dito dito 1894 4 94% dito dito Pr.0.1398 4 97 dito dito dito 1897 4 97% dito dito dito 1893 4 97 Z.-Ooit.8p!».Prior.O/97 4 97%' dito (llto 1893 4 „7% dito dito 1901 A 97 TnrttUD.AnatolloOb. 5 rilto dito ïc Serie 5 AOtku. ErmeloSpoo'- we--MMlkChapp8 Aand. KenchAta.8pw.-Mg. 0.8% N.-Amor.Aioh.Top.« 8. F4 Oert. v. flow. Aand. 87% dito dito Cert. v. Pref. Ad. 93* dito Algcm. Hyp. Obl- j 98% dito Adjustment Obllg. 4 87, dltoEart.Oklah.lcH Q.0.4 Haliimurc on Ohio Ot.v. A. 79* dltoOert.v.Aogi n.Qum.P. A. üne». 31 Ohio Oert.v.Aand. 84>ie dito dito 1e lijp. Obl. 6 111 ,<ito dltoAlg. Hyp-Ob.4% 101 Qhloago ANorthw.Qomm. dito dito 1e Hyp. Oort. 7 107 dito (Slnklng-Fund) Obl. 5 111% dito Mad. E»ten». dito 7 117% dito Menomenee dito 7 178 d'to N.-'tf. Union dito 7 -jito Win. St. Peter dito I Chlo.Purl.AQulneyOt.v. A. OI1I0. Mllw.A8t.P. Ot.v.Ad. dito 'Uto (W.O.) Obllg.5 dlta dito Lake8up.Dlv.0.6 Oh'o.Or.Wert. Ot.v.Oeb. 4 189 dlloKooalkl.éPao. O.v.A. •00-IOOO Rook Uland Oy.o.v.ge-.A. d'-tc OHO Gert. v. Pref. A- CfllO.R.UI.4P»oR.p.2öu24 SOO-iOOC- Olev.Akr.Ool.Yereen.O.vA. 00 «Ito Reconk.Hyp.Ot.v.O.4 •00-1001' Olnv.Akr AOol.Alg.Hyp.0.6 600-100C Oiev.Oln.Ohlc.'&Sl.L.O.v.A, 600-1000 Ool.A3outh.3p. O.v.gew.A. MO-IOCC' dito dito Ot.v.4oic,1ePr. A. 600-1000 .uto dito Ot.v. 4»A,2ePr.A. •00-10CK. „•nnv-'ahio-O-and»O.V.A. 5OO-10OC dito dito Pref. Aand •00-1000 dito dito Oort. v.Prof. Ad. fr00-1 OOC' dito dito Obllg. 1000 •004000 600-2009 600-2000 600 RM. 600-2000 600:2000 20-100 600-1000 600 1203 RM. 600-2090 1600-2000 MW-ÏCOO I ')-2G.yi 600-2000 600-2000 Fr. 600-2500 600-2600 600-1000 eoo-tooo •00-1000 500-1000 1000 500-1000 600-1000 1000 IOOO 600-1000 •00-1009 60G-13OC 600-1000 MKJ-1090 169 z z 102% 102 102 88 88 z 100 z z - 98% 99 1' :i% 98% 98% 89 112 108% 102% 102% z 102% 9H% 98% 98% - Wï z 28% z z 102?, 67 83% z z •8% 88% 34% 1115 185% 10»% 103% 98% 83 E min z - E fl* "9* 12 a8 !3% 13% 68 98 102 102% «3* - 98* 98% - - 67% z z _4% 5 z 704^ z z z 99% 66'* 66% em z 8fï% z z 85 z z z 113!^ 173% - z - 96% - - - z 98% - z z 89'b z 83% 72 83%, z 96 97% z z 97% z z M?» dito dito improv. Obl. 1000 Ulo QrandeW.Kw.O.Qo.O.4 1000 On.MolnAFortd.leHp.0.4 1000 dito dito Exlone. Obl. 4 1000 file 8p00rvreg-Mg. gew. A. 10W dito dlta O.v.lePref. Ad. IWe rilto dito Org. 2. Pref. Ad. ItvM m-o llto Oert. v.2.Pref-Ad itX.-v Mto citoden.llen 8ond»4 ttoi Okie d Erie ie Hyp. Obl.» W0-100C N.T Pennt AOhlo P O. 1W0 Flor. Oentr. Pen. 0b«- 1000 dlttl.Hp.bt.-Bd. 1-4686 07% 71 13% 23 21* 71 00 00% #3% 98. U8% 29« 88% 48% 18% 17% .UK ug& 67% 98'* 71% 106% 84* 67%, Bedrag. 1000 •00-1000 600^1000 600-1000 600-1000 500-1000 1000 600-1000 600-1000 '00-1000 600-1000 100-1000 1000 600 600-1000 1000 1000 600-1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 FI.Oent.10.Mortg.Boidb.6 Qr.TrunkW.Rw.O.IH 0.0.4 dito dito 2e Hypotheek QreatNorthemOt.v.PrefJl. Illinois Oontral Oert. v.Ad. dito dito Obllg. In Boud 4 dito dito dito per 1953 4 dito Oalro BrldgeOb.lnQ.4 dltoLoasedL.8took0.v.A,4 Kana.OltySouth.Rvr.Oy.Ad. idito dito Cert, v, Aand. dito dito Pref. dito dito dito Oert. V. dito dito dito 1e Hyp. Obl. 8 Lexlngt.AEakt.R.O.Ot.v.0. 6t.LouliOalro1eHyp.Ob.4 St.LoulienSouthw. dito4 600-1000 600-1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600-1000 1000 1000 100-200 Vorige. Luglt*' Hoogrtd. 129'.: 103% 101% 102% 103 18% 84* 88* dito dito Obllg. 8 dito dito 2a Hyp. Obllg. 8 dito dito 8lnk. F. Obl. 6 dito OoIlat.Tr.Ingoud 0.6 dito Mob. en Montg. R. 0. I.Kyp. Obl. No. 1-4000 4% 300-1000 St.Loulid8anFrano. O.g.A. «/v. dlt0 c#ft 1# pr#fi Aand dito dito 2e Pref. dito dito Obligation 8 dito Algem. Hyp. Obl. 6 dito Qeoone. Hyp. Obl. 4 dito Ref.lngoud p. 1961 4 dito VYIoh. en Wekt. Ob. 6 Kant.Olty Fort 8cott en M. Oert. v.40fc Pref. Aand. dito dito Ref. Qoudb. 4 Mex.Oent.Oy.Ool.Qb.O.4% Mer'o. Intern. PrlorObl. 4% 600-1000iMlch.Oentr. Spvr. Otr.v.Ad. Mln.dSt.Loulkgec.i.H.O.E Mlnn.St.P.a.Sault8t.M.0.4 Miks.Kank.TexakOrt.v.Ad. dito dito Prof. Ad. dito Ie Hypoth. Obllg. 4 dito 2e dito dito 4 dltoDallatenWaoo1.H.0.6 Ml kiourl Pao. Oort.v.Aand. MoblIeAOhloRr.O.T.Q.O 4 Nat.R.r.Cy.of Me*.ge». A. dito dito Oert. Afg. Ad. dito dito Pref. Aand. dito dito Cert. 2. Pref. A. dito dito 2Jar. Goud O. 6 dito Pr.LlenHG.0,10264% dltol oGeo.Hyp.G.0.1061 4 N.-YorkOntarlofiWoktAd. Norf, dWest. Ot.v.Gew.Ad. dltoOt.v.40|t)AdJ Pr.Stook dito Gecont. 1eHyp. Ob. 4 Northern Pao.Spw.Ort.v.A. Nort.Pao.R.O.Pr.Llen8b. 4 OregonOalteHyp.Ingoud 6 Orag.Sh.LlneGoo, 1oH.0.5 dlt.1-31OOOp.i027part.O» UtahNorthornGeo.l.H.0.5 8t.PaulMlnn.aMar,It. O.v.A dito dito Geoons. Obl. 6 dito dito Qoud d.to 4V< dito dito 2e Hyp. Obl. 8 dito dlo Dak. Ext. dito 6 dito Montana Central E dito dito te Hyp. Obl. dito (Montana Ext.) Obl. dito Paolflc. Extent. dlto4 dito Eastern of Mlnnls.O.S Ponnsylv.Spoorw. Or.v.Ak. Plttsb. Olno. Ohio. St. L. Serie.'. In Goud Obl. 4% Plttsb. Fort Wayno O.v.A. 7 RoadlngComp.Ol.v.gew.A. dito Oert. v. ie Prof. A. dito dito 2e Pref. A. SouthernPao.Oomp.gewJl dito dito Goud Obl. 4% dito dito dito Osntral Pao.1 eRef.Kp.O. dltodltoMort^.QoudO.8% South. Pao. of Oa R.r. 8. 8orlo A.-B, 1e Hyp. Obl. 8 dito d'to Sar. O-D. dito 6 dito dito Ser. E.-F.d!to6 dltodltoOone.Guar.Q.Bk.6 Texas &N.0r'.(8.dlv.)0.6 South. Rallw. 0. Afgeet. gewone Aand. dito dito Afg Oert.v.Aand. dito dito Afg. Pref. Aand. dito dito Afg. Cert. van Preferento Aand. dltorlret Mtg.dOoll.T r.0.6 Ur.'onPao. Ral'r.Oy. O.v.A. dito dito Pref. Aand. dito dito Oert. v. Prof. Ad. dito dito Goud Obllg. dito Oonv. Gold Bonds Wabash 8pw. afg.O.v.Pr. A. ditoOt.v.&VoDen. BondtB. West. N.-Y.dPenn.O.v.Ad, dito dito Obllg. In Goud 6 dl»o dltoQen.Mortg.Bds, 4 dito dito Ino. Mortg.Bds. 6 Brorülö. Leopoldlna 8poorw. Maats O. v. A. Vlotorln-MInaslellyp.O. 6 West Mlnas Obllg. 6 Canada. 8outh. O.v.Ad. dito dito 2e Hyp. Ob. OanadlanPaolflo.Oert.v. dito dito 1e Hyp. Obl. S dito (AlgomaBranot.) Ob.5 dl lo Landgrant Obl. 8'-, Manitoba 8.W. leHyp.O. 5 Qr.TrunkRw.Oy.O.v gnvr.A. dito dito Oort. 3ePref. Art. Venoz. 0arenoro3p. A Stoomvaart M(|.Pref.Aand. Fr.MU.MèrldaGum.Ink 0.6 1000 1000 1000 600-1000 600-1000 500-1000 600-1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 600-1000 600-1000 1000 1000 500-100C 100-1000 1000 600-1000 )000 600-1000 1000 1000 600-1000 1000 1000 1000 1C0Q 1000 1000 1000 100 1000 600-1000 1000 690-1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000! 500-1 OCX) 61X1-1000 600-1000 600-100C 600-1000 600-1000 600-1000 1000 1000 500-10001 600-1000 600-1000 600-1000 1000 600-1000 600-1000 1000 1000 1000 100-600 600-6000 100 600-1000 10(10 600-1000 92 108 118 110% 17% 39% flg 15 36% 18* 97 100* 74% a? 85 06% 107% 107% 101% i02'. 113% 10B% 20Ji 78% 82 109% 78'aa 80% 80% 101 i 94% 369 60* 114* 52% 67% 83% 64 101% 118 z z z z z z z 18% 18% 18% 33 33% 33% 68 68% 68 - - 106 z z - - - 44% 83% 11 1 z 77% E 17% 17* E 76% 76»; z 101% z 15% z z 18% 96% Z z 21% 21% z 69 59% 86% 05% z 100% E - lïï E E z E E c 47% 97 47% z 102% E - - m #11 20<* z 110% 110% - 78* 78% z 937U 94 - 36% 83%, z 114* E - 14% m z z T ramwreg-Maatschappi j.; 260 Amsterd.RQtulg-My.Aand 260-1000 Arnh. Tramweg-Mij. Aand 1000 Babat DJomb. Stoom tr. Ad IÏ2S 20% 20% 1000 dito dito Obllg. 4% 1000 BatavlaEleot.TramMg. Ad 21 10 100'J dito dito Obllg 6 V 460 'BBosoh-Helm.8ttr.Mg.Ad 600 dito dito Obllg. 4 1000 1eNed.Eleo.Tram.-My. Ad 1000 dito dito Obl. 4% ICO 1000 Qooliche3toomtr,-M(J.Ad 28 1000 dito rtlto Oullg. 4 80 100-1000 HaagsoheT ram.-Mg. Aand 140 V 603 dito Olto Obllg. 4% Kedlrl Stoomtram-Mg. Ad. Wi 103% 1000 80 600-1000 dito dito Obllg. 4 96 r 1000 Mabosra 8toomtr.-Mg. Ad, 5 7 1000 Olto dito Obllg. 4 25 1000 Ma!ang8toomtram-Mg.A<f. B00-I000 dito dito Obllg. 4 79% V 1000 Modjokorto 8tmtr.-Mg.Ad. 8% 1000 dito dito 0. 4<>fo 0. 260-1000 NederlandeoheTramM.Ad. 28% 1000 dito dito Obllg. 4 71 1000 dito dito dito 8% 65 10Ö0 N.-lnd.8t00mtr.-Mg.Aand, 142% 1000 dito dito Obllg. 4 100% 1000 Jt.-Holl.Tramw.-M(].Ob. 8 1000 Ooster 8toomtr.-Mg. Ad. 10C0 dito dito 2-800 Obl. 4 1000 Oost-Javn8toomtr.-Mg.Ad 40% 1000 dito dito Obl. 4 600 Passoorooan Sttr.-My. Ad. 1000 dito dito 1898 Obl. 4% 1000 dito dito 1901 dito 4% Probollngo8toomtr.-M. Ad 1000 1000 dito dito Obllg. 4% 25O-1CO0 Rott 0Td.Tramw.-Mlj. Aand. 185 1000 dito dito Obllg. 8% 97* 1000 dito 1900 NM-2000 0.8% »v* 1000 8am.-JoanaT ramw.-Mg. A. 181 131 1000 dito dito Obllg. 4 100% 1000 Seniar. 0her.8t,Tr.My. Ad. 135 100a dito dito Obllg. 4 100% 1000 8er*Joedal8t.Tram MIJ.Ad. 115 1000 dito dito Obl. 4il00% 700 WestlandeoheTram Mg.Ad 120 1000 dito dito Obl. 4 99% Premieleenirtgen. Nod.StadAmstord. Ad. 8 dito dito dito 8 8tad Rotterdam Aand. 3 Gemeente-Orediet Aand.3 N.-H. Ver. Witte Kruis Ad. Paleis voorVolksvigt 1887 dito dito 1869 B«»lg.8t. Antw. 1887 2% dito dito 1908 2 Slid Brussel 1888 2% Mg.«.Kanaal- enHavenw. 2 Maa'.t.v.Buurtspoorw. 2% Frank.OrédltFonoler3 Hong.Hong. Hyp. Bk. 4 dito dito dito B dito dito dito 8 dito Btaatsleenlng 1870 gtuhlw.Raab-Qrax. 8p. 2% dltoxond.Bew.v.Doelg.2! Thels» Regullr.Goselioh. OcBt*DF.S:astrt. '54 4 dito dito 1800 6 dito dito 1864 Orsdlet-Anstalt 1868 K.K. Oost BodonOr.Anst. 8 dito dito 1839 8 8tod Weenen 1874, Rual.B. 8taatsl.1864 6 dito dito 1886 RIJks-AdOls-Agrar. Bank irv.Premiei. afgest. 2 L. ..3''v, 8poorwl.'70 Zwitm.Kant. Freiburg Sted Genèvo 1880 8 AfrllcN. Oongo Loten •nsr. Panama Kan. BELOKOERfl Beleening t Beteekend noodl|dsnd. 104% .'.30 102% 91% 1-2-. 86 F0.% 96% 111% u56% 260 229 141% 261 339 8 287% 2.30 102% 156% 46% 30% 750 101% 85 46% 3: 7.50 101* 40! 5 79% Prolongatie 2% «fc 102% 105* 101%

Historische kranten - Archief Eemland

Amersfoortsch Dagblad | 1903 | | pagina 4